hey guys, today I m gonna tell you a history of my life.
Almost 2 years ago, mu parents decided to leave the city that me and My sister was born (São Paulo) and come to São José do Rio Preto, because São Paulo is not a good city to live, there is a lot of crime and the life is so crazy beacuse there has a lot of traffic and we decided that we needed a better life.
Changing Is not easy! My first year was very very hard, I felt alone and a little confuse. I missed (and still missing) my hold family there is still in São Paulo.
I used to blame my parents for everything that I was passing and all the bad feellings that I passed.
Today, I don’t have this feelings, this year I made a lot of awesome new friends and all I can do is appreciate my fathers because now I know that they did that to give a better life for me!