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Hey guys, today I´m gonna tell you a sad history, that changed my life!

My godfather and I were very close, we went out together just for fun, and used to have great times together, but by the end of 2014, he started to feel very sick, that’s when he decides to go to the hospital and check himself up.

He did thousands os exams, and, in a MRI (MagneticResonanceImaging), the doctorfinally found out what he had: it was a bonemarrow câncer, and it was really bad.

The chemotherapies and all the treatment started. Dezens of medicines, hair going down, and all the processwasn’t hard just for him, but for the whole family.

At 28.09.2015 he left us, it was very hard for me, I really missed out nightshaving fun, our walks, and his advices, but, now, I understand, it was the best thing that could happen to him, it took him and the family away from all that suffering.


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